Wednesday, February 21, 2007

If only Look-Look Could See This

I mentioned last week that I would have three teenagers in my home when I arrived from GSLIS classes.

Big surprise, when I greeted them, they told me they were bored. My TV-less/small child dwelling/Vermont home was a drag. They were thrilled when I handed them the People Magazine I borrowed from Linda. They were clinging to shiny cellphones. They asked me for a computer with Internet access.

I didn't see them until dinner time. When my six year old remarked that one of them was eating off a plate he had designed himself she responded "it's very gangster." That's a compliment, right?

Anyway, after they left I saw what they left in their address history. It's pretty interesting. I don't know much about myspace, but it seems like there's auxiliary services for it.

Looks like they took advantage of their quiet evening to do a little housekeeping on their myspace pages!

1 comment:

Linda Braun said...

Pimping MySpace is a huge past time of teens and adults. There are many many web sites that provide code and services to integrate into a MySpace page. That's actually one of the big differences between MySpace and Facebook. MySpace allows for pimping and Facebook doesn't.

Sorry if pimping offends anyone. That's what it's called but I do know some adults who have a hard time with that.